
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Got a flat tire (obviously)!  I haven't changed a flat tire in a loooooog time, so I thought it would be good to see if I could still do it. So, with a quick read thru of the car manual, a couple of phone calls to Tom and some help from Emi, the tire got changed. The hardest part was lifting the tire back up and lining it up with the studs-Heavy!  Should've taken a picture of our dirty hands, Emi and I got dirty!

Update: Nail minus its head found as the likely cause of flat tire.

Needed new tires, so this flat prompted us to get 'em!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024


After serving three years as Stake Primary President, I got released this past Sunday.  Initially, I had very mixed feelings about being released, but with just a little bit of time, I found that I could look back on this calling with happiness and gratitude to Heavenly Father for allowing me to serve!

(I like being creative and this calling gave me the chance to exercise my creativity to benefit the children.)

I now look forward to serving with Tom and Emi in a new calling out at the FamilySearch Center for the next couple of years!


Friday, September 13, 2024

Goodbye Kimo, Goodbye Hornets

Once again, Kimo is off to college---It's his senior year!  
He called when he got to Rexburg and said that some hornets had 
made a small nest on the tailgate of his truck.
Tom told him to put the tailgate down, hit the nest with a shovel then 
jump in the car and drive away, so that's what he did-Success!
This from someone who was seriously afraid of bees as a child-Go, Kimo!


Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy 100th!

Happy 100th Birthday, Pres. Nelson!

After watching the program of birthday tributes and music to 
celebrate Pres. Nelson's 100th birthday, I was struck that when it was his turn to speak, he talked to us about God's Plan of Salvation.  On a day to celebrate his life, Pres. Nelson instead testified about God's plan.

I just loved that!

I have never met Pres. Nelson, but did have the privilege of 
being in the Stake Choir at our Stake Conference, where he presided.  
This was when he was part of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, 
before he was called to be the Prophet. 
To preface this choice experience, I know how to listen to the other voice parts in a choir and can tell if they are singing their parts correctly or not.  
As we were singing the concluding song, I noticed that there were 
some voices around me singing parts that were not written in the music! 
I wondered about it, but since these additional parts sounded good, 
I didn't worry about it too much and just enjoyed the big sound we made and the good spirit that I felt while we sang.  

After the closing prayer, I heard members of the choir asking each other, "Did you hear the angels singing with us?"

"Oh!  That's what that was!" I said.

It seems very fitting that angels were present with the future Prophet of God.
It was an experience that I will never forget
(Tom had an even more choice experience during the Priesthood session, so it was an exceptional day all around!)


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Leaves, Lint and Sushi

The leaves in the church parking garage bother me.
But, can't do any complaining if I'm not willing to do something about it!

So piled them up agains the wall and swept them up!

The leaf blower made this job sort of fun!

Tom wanted to clean out our dryer and the dryer ducts while 
Kimo was still around to help with lifting.
Tom said he might as well put in a new heating element and he is
handy enough to be able to do that!

We made sushi for dinner again, it's been so hot!
This is Tom's rolled sushi--neat and tidy!

Picture perfect!

This is my rolled sushi!  Granted, I'd already been taking
bites out of it, but still!



We were being silly at In-N-Out and the staff noticed,
egging us on, giving Kimo props and saying he looked like he was on a commercial.  We've been going to this store since Kimo was a toddler!


Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Took Maren out to lunch for both her birthday and to celebrate her retirement.  She worked at her job for 23.5 years!  She said she likes to try new places to eat, so I took her to The Jasmine, a place that serves dim sum. 
I was surprised, she liked just about everything!

Made Maren a crown on my Cricut!

Slice of pumpkin pie tissue dispenser and a cloth catch-all.

I'm glad Maren is my friend; she is a really good person.
She was the counselor in my stake calling that helped keep me
on the right track and she always sees the best in people.  I like that!


Labor Day 2024

Went to Rocky Beach/Smuggle's Cove for a Labor Day picnic.

Must have been some fish running in this area, because there were hundreds of pelicans and other birds feeding here at one point.  This picture shows only a small fraction of the birds-I've never seen so many pelicans in one place!

Dana and Mike and their little daughter picnicked with us.
It is so weird, because I've known Mike since he was as
little as his daughter is now!  Wild!
He's turned out to be a really good guy.

That is one chaotic table!

Kimo's getting ready to go back to school.
Gonna miss this guy!



Groesbecks have been good friends of ours for a long time now.
I value them and am drawn to their sincerity and goodness and it was
nice to have a chance to share a meal and catch up with them!
Ate at Kanda (Thai)-which was Candace's nickname when she was little.


Pictures of Stuff

Miscellaneous pics

My sister sent me this pretty green flower frog-she knows I like them.

My Dad's old hat. He flew with the Hurricane Hunters when we lived in Florida and Puerto Rico.

This cool older Jeep was decked out in chrome and warranted...

...a duck! It's fun leaving ducks on cool Jeeps!

I'm telling you!  The commissary does things right!


Sunday, September 1, 2024


Thought we'd try this folded burrito, but it was less 
successful than the folded sushi.
Guess we'll just stick to traditional burritos!