
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Emblems of Easter

 Had our Stake Primary Easter Activity Saturday and everything went so well! About 40 kids attended the activity and parents stepped up to help out with things; I was well pleased!  Best of all, the Spirit came right at the beginning of the program; I was so grateful for that!  All that we did today, we did to help the children know Christ and what He did for them; why we celebrate Easter.  Each and every activity pointed to Him in some way.  It was such a good day!

Started the program by telling the story of the last week of
Jesus' life using large posters of artwork.

Then split into groups and rotated thru three stations.
Here the kids made FHE egg sets. Each egg contains a symbol of
an event in Holy Week and a related scripture.
Leann did a great job organizing this activity!

Another rotation was chalk drawing in the courtyard.
Kids were provided topics to draw and they went to town.
Maren sponsored this activity!

Final rotation was helping to make a shadow production of Holy Week.             Brother Groesbeck portrayed Jesus for us and 
Tom was my tech guy, running the lights and positioning people.
Thanks, Honey!

Jesus Cleanses the temple.

Then we all got back together to do some races and
minute to win it games, again, all related to Holy Week.

Bishop Parry frosted all these cupcakes for us!

Even our snack was related to Easter!
Hard to see the half donut that represents Christ's tomb, but
the Oreo is the rock rolled away from the entrance of the tomb.

Very pleased with the day and so happy to be able to help the children know
more about the events surrounding Easter.


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