
Monday, November 4, 2024

A Week Off From Work?

We had a stovetop fire in our kitchen a long while back which was...
Traumatic! (at least for me!)
I guess it's taken this long to get over the feelings associated with that fire.
And after washing and painting just about everything on our upper floor, 
we just weren't in any big hurry to finish the job. 

This week Tom decided he wanted to replace those cabinet doors that were damaged.  This is no small endeavor, since he actually makes the cabinets himself, so he took the whole week off to get the work done

Pretty cherry wood

Lots of pieces to keep track of-Tom wrote on the back of each piece.

Our itty-bitty garage was up to the job

Tom's garage stool


Trim work

Seven doors!

You do such good work, Honey!

Emi and I ate lunch without Tom and this was my fortune!