
Monday, November 15, 2021

Temple and Priesthood Preparation Program

Welcome table and name tags.

We printed out own nametags- easy to do with Avery 
sticker templates online.

We started with a story board.

These were characters in the story board.
I can pass along the story board story if anyone is interested.

We then had the kids and their parents follow the footsteps on the covenant path and read the quotes on to the next speakers.  We split everyone into two groups (for smaller group sizes) and one group went with the Stake YM Pres. and one to the Stake YW Pres. who spoke on service in the Priesthood and service in the Temple, respectively.  The groups then switched speakers and at the end we all met together in the chapel with the Stake Presidency counselor over Primary who spoke about the temple, the temple recommend interview and temple worthiness and answered questions.

                      Our treat theme was, "Stick to the Covenant Path" 

so we served snacks on sticks.

We used the idea of giving out lanyards 
with temple recommend holders


Thursday, June 24, 2021

From Hood River to a Week on Whidbey

Beautiful Dogwood tree

Paula being pestered by curious kids while she goes metal detecting.

Mukilteo Ferry, Clinton side.

Paula's poppies!

Random eagle

Daisy and Paula living the beach life


Paula's walkway

Bob and I


Moss growing in Fred's lettering lettering.
Looked him up and it seems he died young, age 21, from TB.

Paula's embroidery

Had to go visit my favorite Dutch barn again,
absolutely the coolest barn ever.

First time walking this trail, it was beautiful
and intensely satisfied something in my spirit.

West Beach

Abandoned driftwood fort

Trail by North Beach, Deception Pass

Rosario Beach 

Pebbles from Rosario

Had a really good time visiting my sister on Whidbey!