
Monday, January 20, 2020

Post Christmas San Fran

After Christmas, spent a few days in San Francisco taking in the sights.

Chocolate grinder

Gallery with Dr. Suess art

We all LOVE dim sum and couldn't wait to eat in Chinatown!
It did not disappoint!

We were not the only folks wanting to eat dim sum!
This place was hopping!

Can't go anywhere without seeing Oak Harbor Freight Lines trucks!

Tried to get in this factory, but the line went around the block!

Oakland Temple The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I call the Oakland Temple Tom's temple, because it is the temple Tom grew up around.  The kids and I had never visited it before and I must say, it is beautiful!  There are two relief carved murals, one on the front and one on the back and this is one of the temples with no Angel Moroni on top!
The visitor's center was very, very nice and 
it invited the Spirit so strongly!  Love this temple!

View of the city from the temple---spectacular!

Gilroy Christmas

As always, we spent Christmas with Tom's relatives in Gilroy.
It's good to see his dad and all his aunts and uncles and 
participate in the tradition of making mochi on Christmas day.

Gilroy is the garlic capitol of the world; have to stop by Garlic World!

Garlic World hat

Visiting Tom's mother at the family plot

Kimo guiding the rice down into the grinder!

I thought this would be the puzzle that finally defeated our family,
but no, we got it done in time!  This was a tough one!

A South Carolina Thanksgiving

Kimo and I spent Thanksgiving with my mom and RP.
It was great spending time with them and for Kimo to
be able to get to know them better; he missed our last 
trip back due to his mission.

They accidentally put Kimo's hashbrown order on poor mom's plate!

Tom and Emi must have really missed us!  They prepared a welcome home feast for us from our favorite s&p chicken wing joint!